Catch the W.A.V.E.
What does this title remind you of? Greeting each other with a welcoming hello? Going to a water park where there are W.A.V.E. pools? Surfing at a beautiful beach?
In a broader sense, it means seizing an opportunity that is being presented to us, especially an opportunity to do something new.
This article is about that type of opportunity, using one of my own examples.
I recently facilitated my new 14-week professional development course, titled Catch the W.A.V.E. (Women Adding Value Everywhere).
Characteristics of the target audience are:
- Self-aware, high EQ, values-based, mission-focused
- Results-oriented, driven to achieve
- Desire to pay-it-forward and make a significant difference in the world
- Ready to become the next best version of themselves
Objectives of the course included:
- Heightened awareness of who you are, and who you want to be
- Increased self-confidence and self-worth
- Alignment of mind, body and soul
- Clarity of where you are, where you want to go, and a plan for getting there
- Identify personal (or customized) PiF (Pay-it-Forward) opportunities within your circle of influence.
- Show up with a growth mindset
- Be fully present, engaged and engaging
- Respectful and contributing to others’ growth and development
- Willing to be mentor, teacher and student
- Active listening and shared air time
- Thoughtful completion of “homework” from week to week
When a client of mine, a strong leader, offered this voluntary development to his team, everyone was all in!
For most, if not all of them, this was a different type of experience for the team which included 1:1 coaching and customized group coaching sessions. Time seemed to fly by and the biggest complaints were: we don’t have enough time; sessions go by way too fast; and we don’t want the course to be over.”
Some of the challenges individuals and the group took on during our time together included: Finding and Living Your Purpose; Building Self-Confidence; Realizing How People Pleasing Negatively Impacts Your Future; Setting Boundaries and Saying No; How to Get out of Your Own Way; Work Life and Time Management; Decision Making; and more.
My layering approach to coaching supports participants in heightening their awareness, changing behavior and building habits. Focusing on real-life applications, sharing and learning from one another in group sessions, utilizing homework to reinforce learning, as well as learning about and applying tools, techniques, articles, etc., enable learning to occur and increases growth and sustainability.
At the end of our 14-weeks together, the participants held a session with their leader to debrief their journey.
Here are actual participant comments, in their own words after completing of the Catch the W.A.V.E. Course:
- I learned I am enough, I belong and I am a successful working mom.
- I learned how to commit to my goals through the power of self-awareness, learning and doing to achieve growth.
- I feel in control for the first time in my life. At first it was daunting and felt like so much responsibility because it was easier to blame others and external forces. Now I see the power in my own doing.
- I am doing things differently already… I wake up with a song in my heart instead of dreading the day…
- Joan came into my life to open my eyes and touch my heart. She made me believe in myself and helped me see what a beautiful life I have.
- I am living with more confidence
- I am a better mom, wife, daughter and friend.
- This has been a life-changing experience.
- I learned you don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward.
- I loved the tools. I am a visual learner and putting my ideas on paper helps me see things more clearly and organize them.
- Joan sincerely listens, understands, takes care of you, and at the same time she challenges you and makes you question… you can put her methods into practice right away.
- She helps you understand your goals then shows you the steps, finds solutions, and makes the road easier to go.
This is transformation in action.
These folks came wanting to step into the next best version of themselves. You can see their success for yourself.
Catch the W.A.V.E. can be customized to meet your needs. You can choose to be an individual participant who learns from and networks with other high-talent individuals. Perhaps you have an intact work team that can benefit from going through W.A.V.E. together, or high-potential women in your organization who are ready to move to the next best version of themselves by learning and growing together.
If you or someone you know are ready to make a change, to commit to the journey, and to soar, I invite you to visit or reach out to me with a personal email at
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