Timing, Timing, Timing.

When people talk about the three most important factors in real estate, it’s often said that it is “Location, Location and Location.” When clients ask me for insights into some of the most important factors of getting ideas off the ground, I say it’s “Timing, Timing, Timing!”

How many times have you had what you thought was a great idea? You had the courage to speak up, you thought you articulated it pretty well, and then you were either “shot down” or just not heard?

I used to think it was just me. Maybe I didn’t articulate it right. Maybe I didn’t tie the idea to the business clearly enough. Or maybe it was just a dumb idea….

It took me longer than it should have to realize that sometimes it is not the idea, or who is sharing it … it’s a timing issue!

People are not always going to listen to what you have to say, or change their minds. You’ve got to look for the right time and then show them what you’ve got.

It’s a case of both content (the message) and delivery (how and when you share).

Ensure your success.

It’s important to do your homework so when that right time comes, you’re ready.

  1. What are your objectives of what you are about to share? Your desired outcomes?
  2. What might the listener/audience ask or be concerned about?
  3. How will you handle it if your idea does not get traction?
  4. Are there individuals you need to share the ideas with or get feedback in advance of the meeting?

When you’re on the pitcher’s mound:

  1. Read the audience. Pace yourself. Don’t be so eager to get your point across that it seems like you are ramrodding the idea through. Sometimes you have to go slow now to go fast later.
  2. Be concise. State the purpose and the main point of your message.
  3. Present points to help with understanding, then check for understanding and reactions.
  4. Summarize your main points and the next steps.
  5. Thank them for the opportunity, ask for additional feedback, and how you would like it shared.

The British poet W.E. Hickson wrote, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Originally written in 1836, this certainly still applies in today’s business world.

As a matter of standard practice, it is always important to reflect on what went right; what could have gone better; seek feedback from trusted colleagues who were in the meeting; and revise your content and delivery accordingly.

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