Taking the Plunge – You Are Not Alone

Well, I did it!!! I took the plunge!

Even though it didn’t involve water, it did feel like jumping into the deep end of a diving pool… a little dark, a little scary, a little exciting… all while anticipating what my family and friends would say about my decision.

After 16 years of being in a home and area that I love, I relocated!

Although I have bought and sold a number of houses over my lifetime, I have NEVER been in a housing market like this one!

At the beginning of 2022, the Universe and respectable realtors were all telling me that the current state of the housing market was one of little-to-no-inventory and the prices were considerably higher than we’ve been used to.

Add in the current state dilemma that even if you were lucky enough to find a home that met your “needs” list, it might not mean that you will be the chosen buyer.  Note I said… “chosen.”

I made an offer on a home that met my “needs” but not all my “wants.”  My offer was one of 17 presented to the owner who was vacationing in Bora Bora (lucky him).  And it was one of the two final offers he considered. Unfortunately, the owner chose the other person, even though my bid was the higher of the two.

I don’t know about you, but I think purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions that someone makes in their life. There are so many considerations… physical aspects of the house, location, neighborhood, proximity to airports, medical care, fun things to do, friends and family.

And, don’t forget the little things like the selling price, HOA fees, inspections, differences in cost-of-living, deposits on utilities, etc. – whew!

There were several houses that I thought might be “the one” only to find when I called that they were already gone (sometimes within a few hours of the listing appearing). Then when I did find one, it was hard to get excited enough to make an offer when that little voice on my shoulder kept reminding me that there was a strong possibility that they would choose another offer over mine.

Potential buyers got creative… one offer included a year-supply of ice-cream and another potential buyer gifted a Star Wars Collection when it was discovered that the seller was a devoted fan. These unique strategies were in addition to waiving inspections, eliminating contingency offers, huge non-refundable deposits, and buying the house “as-is.”

What a roller coaster ride!

Many of you know that I believe that we end up where we are supposed to be and that the Universe makes a way.

So, the Universe came through!

I have purchased a lovely home in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. The desert landscape does not require any watering or irrigation. The sunrises and sunsets are absolutely stunning! It’s in a carefree, small community with less people, less congestion, and believe it or not – no home mail delivery!

I’m thinking the Universe knew that I needed a quiet, beautiful place, to complete writing the two books I am currently working on… as I continue to work with individuals and organizations to support them as they step into the next best version of themselves.

So… if you are thinking of “taking the plunge” – whether it be making a move, perhaps a new home, a new job or a new relationship, know that you are not alone. There are many who have gone before you and they not only survived, but most have thrived!

Yes, there will be ups and downs. There might be (probably will be) sleepless nights, and perhaps second-guessing yourself.

However, rest assured that you will end up exactly where you are supposed to be, with whom you’re supposed to be, and doing what you’re supposed to be doing. It’s all part of the BIG plan and we’re each playing our part.

I think Gay Hendricks, author of The Big Leap says it best, “When you stop trying to be at the right place at the right time and instead trust your inner GPS, you can be sure you’ll end up in a lucky spot.”

Keys to thriving in most stressful situations are: breathe; do your homework; talk with trusted advisors; and have faith that all is unfolding as it should be.

Wish me continued success and a smooth transition! If you have tips on what made your relocation a success, please share them with me at success@jmclark.com.

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    Aww so so happy for you Joan – I was so close; my guess was Sedona for you.
    So much love and support as we are
    all together in this big, beautiful, mystical collective as One.

  2. Ed

    I was on the edge of my seat awaiting the results of your latest journey. Congratulations to you and what a great choice! Inspirational story – Thank you!

  3. Fred D.

    Congratulations Joan! I am so happy you found your ‘happy place’. Looking forward to hearing more about your wonderful journey ahead.

  4. Pat M

    Looking forward to “the rest of the story”. There is always more to a move. I am excited for this new step for you. Love you.

  5. Mark Jackson

    Beautiful new home. So happy for you. Looking forward to hearing more about your new “little” community as you settle in. Keep up the good work on the books.

  6. Mark

    Beautiful new home. So happy for you. Looking forward to hearing more about your new “little” community as you settle in. Keep up the good work on the books.

  7. Chuck Barry

    Thank you very much for your latest major change in your life! Enjoyed reading about your “Plunge” transition and landing in a beautiful home in Arizona. Sounds like it fits what you were looking for: smaller community, less people, less congestion ,and beautiful sunrises and sunsets – to enable you to easier focus on writing your two books in process. Glad for you that you got through the stress of such a major change to a new home. Look forward to reading your next chapters…

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