Opportunities ARE Out There

Are these crazy times, or what!

We might be thinking that things have come to a screeching halt. Warning, warning – that would be faulty thinking on our part. The world and the people in it are very active; although it does look and feel differently than it did a few months ago.

Are there jobs to be found, yes!

Are there promotions to be had, yes!!

Is there work to be done, you bet there is!

It’s time to listen…really listen

I was deep into writing my first book, The Virgin Leader when Covid landed. (Have I mentioned I’m writing a book?!) I convinced myself that there was no longer a need for the book so I stopped production. I made this decision based on watching businesses shut down, people get laid off, and the negative slant of world events presented by the evening news.

So, I admit it, I only saw doom and gloom, until… I started listening.

When I began to ask questions, leaders were all too eager to talk. They were commiserating about what they had lost, what was going wrong, what they couldn’t get back, and sharing the belief and feeling that it would never be the same.

What I didn’t hear them talking about was: the unmet needs of the client, or who might be a potential client in the future, or what products or markets might be aligned with their business. I wasn’t hearing discussions about the potential loss of internal talent, or what knowledge, skills and abilities they would be needing in the future, or if that would require re-tooling existing talent, or if they would need to go outside for those skills.

Their conversations certainly weren’t focused around what changes they needed to make to ensure they were thriving, instead of just surviving.

What I did observe were talented, smart, creative people neck-deep in oh God, ain’t- it-awful-thinking, instead of allowing themselves to think about the possibilities and decide what they were going to do to get on the other side of this.

Time for GOOD questions

I began to ask them these thought-provoking questions:
What’s your current state – where are you now
What’s your future state – where do you want to be
What do you need to do/change to get from where you are today to where you want to be, and
What’s holding you back?

“Voilà!”  As the reflection and dialogue among the team occurred, insights and clarity began to emerge for them – and along with it, opportunities arose for me – with the realization that there is a need now for my book!  Some things are timeless, like preparation, insights and training for a first-time or new leader.

Every day (even now), we have individuals starting their leadership journey. Where is the instruction manual?  Where is the list of what to do?  What not to do? Where does one go to find the answers to the questions they’re afraid to ask – my book, The Virgin Leader, which meant I had to get busy!

Are you reading this and thinking how does this apply to me? Are you unsure what’s next for you or your organization?

Let me be clear, there is no shortage of opportunity.  There is a shortage of dreaming… of not creating a vision and mission based on need, data and facts. Often times, we stop short of taking those next steps… planning, assembling a team of talented people focused on a common goal and then successfully executing a well-thought out plan.

General George S. Patton once said, “A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.”

So, until we meet again, rise to your potential by getting out of your rut and into your groove.


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  1. Richa Bhargava

    Beautiful Joan. Thank you for this article. Thank you for reminding people to have hopes. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Lisa Brown

    Joan, this is perfect! I really needed to hear this, it helped me reflect and then shift my mind to the future and planning for action.

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